OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To cut a hole in a slab with structural and analytical attributes

  1. Create your slab, free, or linear form using any tool from Modeling > Forms > Place Forms. A slab or free form with structural data is a structural solid, and a linear form with structural data is a structural wall.
  2. Select ( Apply Structural Attributes).
    Note: Turn on the ( Analytical Features ), to display also the Analytical tab.
    Review your analytical settings, especially the Stroking Tolerance setting if the form or the cutting element is curved.
  3. Select the form to apply the structural and analytical data.
  4. In the appropriate area, draw the shape that will be the cutting element. This can be a circle, rectangle, or other polygon.
  5. Select (Cut Solid). Be sure to turn on the Keep profile toggle.
  6. Following the prompts, first select the form, then select the cutting element, then accept the direction.

    The form is cut by the cutting element.

  7. View the cut form in an analytical view window. You will see nodes placed at the ends of the plate and along the cut in the plate. The lines forming the part of the plate that is the hole are drawn according to the value in the Stroking Tolerance field.

    Note: Programmatically, Structural discipline limits the number of nodes per plate or hole feature to 127. If the stroking tolerance is sufficiently small relative to the diameters of the plate or hole, where the number of nodes exceeds 127, the tool will not generate the nodes and plate elements.